Restaurants & Grocers
Let Lil Green Urban Farm help you elevate the food you bring to your patrons. Our clients enjoy the unique flavour and crunch of fresh cut sunflower shoots; the crisp and bold hydroponically grown arugula, available year round from our greenhouse; the zip of delicate wasabi radish microgreens; and the true taste of summer found in a Doctor Carolyn tomato available from our urban farm.
Firstly, we want you to love to eat the food we grow – to smile as the flavours strike your tongue.
Secondly, we want you to know that the seeds from these vegetables were planted in our city and that we work hard to contribute to the ethos of sustainability.
Thirdly, we want you to get the amazing nutrient punch that comes from food picked and on your table the same day; from microgreens packed full of so many health benefits.
We love to grow things, we love to eat things – please join us.

Please contact LGUF to get more information and retail pricing